8 Things That Are 500 Feet Long or Big

When we think about measurements, it can be challenging to visualize just how big or long certain distances are. One such measurement that often comes up in various contexts is 500 feet.

Whether you’re an architect, engineer, or simply curious about the world around you, understanding the scale of 500 feet can be both fascinating and useful. In this article, we’ll explore eight things that are approximately 500 feet long or big, helping you gain a better perspective on this measurement.

How Big is 500 Feet Visually?

How Big is 500 Feet Visually?

Before we dive into specific examples, let’s try to grasp the visual scale of 500 feet. Imagine standing at one end of a city block in a typical urban area. In many cities, a standard block is about 500 feet long. This means that if you were to walk from one corner to the next, you’d cover a distance of roughly 500 feet.

Another way to visualize 500 feet is to picture five professional basketball courts lined up end to end. Each NBA regulation court is 94 feet long, so five of them would give you a total length of 470 feet – just shy of 500 feet. This comparison can help you understand the scale in terms of a familiar sports setting.

How High is 500 Feet in the Air?

How High is 500 Feet in the Air?

Now, let’s consider 500 feet in terms of height. If you were to stand at the base of a 50-story building and look up, you’d be gazing at a structure that’s approximately 500 feet tall.

This height is significant enough to offer breathtaking views of a city skyline, yet not so tall that it disappears into the clouds like some of the world’s tallest skyscrapers.

To put this height into perspective, it’s about twice as high as the Statue of Liberty (excluding its base), which stands at 151 feet. Imagine stacking two Statues of Liberty on top of each other, and you’d be close to 500 feet in height.

How Far is 500 Feet to Walk?

How Far is 500 Feet to Walk?

Walking 500 feet might not seem like a significant distance, but it’s worth considering in terms of everyday activities. For the average person walking at a moderate pace, covering 500 feet would take about one to two minutes. This distance is equivalent to about one-tenth of a mile or 152 meters.

In practical terms, 500 feet is a comfortable walking distance for most people. It’s the kind of distance you might walk from your parked car to a store entrance in a shopping center, or from one end of a small park to the other.

While it’s not a marathon by any means, it’s still a noticeable distance that requires some effort to traverse.

READ THIS BLOG: 10 Things That Are 10 Meters Long/Big

Things That Are 500 Feet Long

Now that we have a general sense of what 500 feet looks like and feels like, let’s explore eight specific things that are approximately 500 feet long or big. These examples will help solidify your understanding of this measurement and provide interesting facts along the way.

1. The Shambles

The Shambles

The Shambles, located in York, England, is often referred to as one of the best-preserved medieval shopping streets in Europe. While the street itself is only about 359 feet long, the entire area known as The Shambles, including its surrounding lanes and alleys, stretches to around 500 feet.

This historic street, with its overhanging timber-framed buildings dating back to the 14th century, offers a unique glimpse into medieval architecture and urban planning.

Walking through The Shambles is like stepping back in time. The narrow cobblestone street is lined with shops, cafes, and boutiques that have retained much of their original character

The buildings lean towards each other, sometimes appearing to almost touch at the rooflines, creating a magical and slightly claustrophobic atmosphere. This 500-foot area encapsulates centuries of history and serves as a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors from around the world to experience its charm and antiquity.

2. Half of The Eiffel Tower

Half of The Eiffel Tower

The iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, stands at a total height of 984 feet (300 meters). This means that if you were to divide the tower in half, each section would be approximately 500 feet tall. Imagining half of the Eiffel Tower gives you a good sense of just how impressive 500 feet can be in terms of architectural height.

The Eiffel Tower, completed in 1889, was the tallest man-made structure in the world for 41 years until the Chrysler Building in New York City surpassed it in 1930. Today, it remains one of the most recognizable landmarks globally and a symbol of French culture and engineering prowess. Considering that half of this magnificent structure equates to 500 feet helps put this measurement into a more tangible and awe-inspiring context.

3. 1.4 Football Fields

 1.4 Football Fields

A standard American football field, including the end zones, is 360 feet long. This means that 500 feet is equivalent to about 1.4 football fields. Visualizing this can be helpful for sports fans or anyone familiar with the layout of a football stadium.

Imagine standing at one end zone of a football field and walking the entire length, then continuing for nearly half of another field.

This distance would give you a good approximation of 500 feet. It’s a considerable length in terms of athletic performance, representing a significant portion of the playing area for one of America’s most popular sports.

4. Fifty-Story Building

Fifty-Story Building

As mentioned earlier, a typical 50-story building reaches a height of about 500 feet. This example is particularly useful because it’s something many people can relate to, especially those who live or work in urban areas with tall buildings.

A 50-story building is tall enough to dominate the skyline of many cities, offering panoramic views from its upper floors. It’s a height that requires elevators for practical access and sophisticated engineering to withstand wind forces and maintain structural integrity. 

Yet, it’s not so tall as to be impractical or extremely rare. Many cities around the world have buildings of this height, making it a relatable reference point for understanding 500 feet vertically.

5. The Spring Temple Buddha

The Spring Temple Buddha

The Spring Temple Buddha in Henan, China, is the tallest statue in the world, standing at an impressive 502 feet (153 meters) tall. This colossal Buddha statue, completed in 2008, offers another striking visual representation of 500 feet.

The statue depicts Vairocana Buddha and sits atop a 66-foot (20-meter) lotus throne, which itself stands on a 82-foot (25-meter) building. 

The sheer scale of this statue is awe-inspiring, and it helps to illustrate just how massive a 500-foot structure can be. Visitors to the site often report feeling dwarfed by the statue’s immense presence, providing a tangible sense of what 500 feet looks like in a vertical, sculptural form.

6. The Blackpool Tower

The Blackpool Tower

The Blackpool Tower in Blackpool, England, stands at 518 feet (158 meters) tall, making it another excellent example of a structure close to 500 feet in height. Inspired by the Eiffel Tower, this landmark was opened to the public in 1894 and has since become an iconic feature of the Blackpool skyline.

Unlike many tall structures that are simply observation towers, the Blackpool Tower houses various attractions within its frame, including a ballroom, circus, and dungeon-themed attraction.

The tower’s distinctive red color and Victorian architecture make it stand out, offering visitors not just impressive height but also a rich cultural experience. Standing at the base of the Blackpool Tower and looking up provides a visceral sense of what 500 feet looks like in an urban, coastal setting.

7. Three Olympic-sized Swimming Pools

Three Olympic-sized Swimming Pools

An Olympic-sized swimming pool is 164 feet (50 meters) long. If you were to place three of these pools end to end, you’d have a length of 492 feet – very close to 500 feet. This comparison is particularly useful for those familiar with competitive swimming or aquatic centers.

Imagining three Olympic pools in a row gives a sense of the distance swimmers might cover in a long-distance race. It also provides a relatable scale for anyone who has spent time at a large public pool or watched Olympic swimming events. 

The length of three such pools side by side would be an impressive sight, covering a significant area and requiring a substantial amount of water to fill.

8. Half a Cruise Ship

Half a Cruise Ship

Many modern cruise ships are approximately 1,000 feet long, which means half of one of these floating cities would be about 500 feet. Cruise ships of this size are often referred to as “mega-ships” and can accommodate thousands of passengers and crew members.

Visualizing half of a cruise ship can help you appreciate the scale of 500 feet in a maritime context. These vessels are essentially floating resorts, complete with multiple decks, swimming pools, restaurants, theaters, and various other amenities

The fact that 500 feet represents only half of such a ship’s length underscores just how massive these vessels are and provides another interesting perspective on this measurement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the tallest structure mentioned in the list of 8 things that are 500 feet long or big?

The Spring Temple Buddha in Henan, China, standing at 502 feet tall.

How many football fields is 500 feet equivalent to?

Approximately 1.4 standard American football fields.

Which historic street in England is mentioned as being around 500 feet long? 

The Shambles area in York, England.

How many Olympic-sized swimming pools would equal 500 feet in length?

 Three Olympic-sized swimming pools placed end to end.

 What fraction of a typical modern cruise ship is 500 feet? 

About half the length of a modern cruise ship.


Understanding the scale of 500 feet can be challenging, but comparing it to familiar objects, structures, and distances helps put this measurement into perspective. From historic streets to modern skyscrapers, from natural wonders to engineering marvels, 500 feet manifests in various impressive ways around the world.

Whether you’re considering it in terms of height, length, or walking distance, 500 feet is a significant measurement that plays a role in architecture, urban planning, sports, and many other aspects of our lives.

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